Tuesday 24 January 2012

Rough cut feedback

I played my trailer to a group of peers I then asked them to give me some feedback on the forms I had created prior to showing the trailer. A picture of these is located below

[to be uploaded soon]. Clicking on it will bring up a bigger picture.

General points

* I found that people liked the music that I used and where I placed it; they thought that it matched the genre of my film adding pace and tension.
* Most people understood the story and wanted to find out more.
* They thought that the locations were varied and matched the genre.
* The shots I used were said to be good.

Improvements -

* People thought that I needed to change the volume of music at certain points so that the voice overs could be heard better.
* People thought that the fading of the music may be usefull so that it didn't sound so abrupt.
* A couple of people thought that I could create a better title for the film, perhaps making it fly into the shot.
* It was suggested that I could re-record some of the voice-overs so that they can be heard better, although quieting the music could work effectively.
* Titles were suggested to be added to show the actors/actresses names and to show the release date of the film.
* One person thought that the candle being blown out at the end could be extended.

Rough cut

This is the rough cut of my film trailer...

Shooting schedule

These are my shooting schedule tables which show the date in which I shot specific shots. It also shows where I shot them and what the shot involves. This helped me to plan what I was going to shoot and when. Please click on each image to get a better view.

Changes to scenes

Whilst editing my trailer I have found a few scenes that either didn't fit or added no meaning to the trailer so I took them out and added a few scenes that fit a bit better. These can be seen in the trailer.