Sunday 25 March 2012

Evaluation link

This was my original website that is unfortunately not working!

I made a second website below which is now the final

Monday 20 February 2012

Website link

Final poster draft

I have sorted out the problem with the strings and added a hand at the top. The background did look a bit plain so I added some blue dots; I still need to add the poster conventions.

Final magazine design analysis

I have analysed my second draft to see is it is now following the conventions of little white lies closer.

Final magazine design

After looking at the different magazines I have created a new design which is more cohesive with the real magazine designs.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

First Magazine Draft Analysis

To help see what I need to change with my magazine cover I have laid out the professional covers next to mine as is seen below. From this I can now create a better cover with more conventions of Little White Lies.

Second Poster Draft

This is the basis of the idea that I had. Getting feedback from this I have found that I need to sort out the confusion people may have with the feet being connected to the strings and add the obvious poster conventions.

First Poster Draft

This is the first poster idea that I had. After creating this I had a better idea for a poster design that would create more enigma.
This original poster can be seen below.

First Magazine Draft

I have created a basic design using firworks as can be seen below. Getting feedback from people I now know that I need to tweak the cover. At the moment it doesn't look quite right, it needs to follow more of the conventions of Little White Lies magazine cover and to do this I will move the image further back and create a background.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Rough cut feedback

I played my trailer to a group of peers I then asked them to give me some feedback on the forms I had created prior to showing the trailer. A picture of these is located below

[to be uploaded soon]. Clicking on it will bring up a bigger picture.

General points

* I found that people liked the music that I used and where I placed it; they thought that it matched the genre of my film adding pace and tension.
* Most people understood the story and wanted to find out more.
* They thought that the locations were varied and matched the genre.
* The shots I used were said to be good.

Improvements -

* People thought that I needed to change the volume of music at certain points so that the voice overs could be heard better.
* People thought that the fading of the music may be usefull so that it didn't sound so abrupt.
* A couple of people thought that I could create a better title for the film, perhaps making it fly into the shot.
* It was suggested that I could re-record some of the voice-overs so that they can be heard better, although quieting the music could work effectively.
* Titles were suggested to be added to show the actors/actresses names and to show the release date of the film.
* One person thought that the candle being blown out at the end could be extended.

Rough cut

This is the rough cut of my film trailer...

Shooting schedule

These are my shooting schedule tables which show the date in which I shot specific shots. It also shows where I shot them and what the shot involves. This helped me to plan what I was going to shoot and when. Please click on each image to get a better view.

Changes to scenes

Whilst editing my trailer I have found a few scenes that either didn't fit or added no meaning to the trailer so I took them out and added a few scenes that fit a bit better. These can be seen in the trailer.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Behind the ideas - Character names

Elvin Aldwin - The name Elvin is old English and has the connotations of 'magical being' or 'Friend'
The name Aldwin is also an old English name that means 'Old friend'

I chose this name because: This is the character that the main protagonist meets in one of her lives. She is alone and down and doesn't know what to do and he is the only person that understands her. This is the thought behind 'Magic being' and 'Friend' but he also knows who she is like an 'Old friend'

Jade Renae - The name Jade is English and means 'Precious stone' which was also believed to have magical powers.
The name Renae means 'Reborn'

I chose this name because my main protagonist believes that they are worthless which creates Irony with the fact their name means 'Precious stone' there is also the fact that they are 'Reborn' into different lives so their surname reflects this.

Monday 28 November 2011

Chosen film name

I have chosen the film name 'Inverted' as the main character feels inside out, confused - inverted. I think this is good as I can play on the colours in the film and the posters etc..

Monday 21 November 2011

Props list

Prop List

Fake Blood




Location list

Location List


South France



School classroom

Alley way

Southend beach/town



Dark Stairway


Clothes list

Clothes List

Red Top and ripped shorts

Red Top and denim shorts

Blue Trousers and long sleeve top

Greenday Top and black shorts

Red Flower Dress

Black Trousers and blazer

Blue Trousers and Thick Coat

Dark Blue Hooded Top and Blue Baggy Trousers

Black top and Medieval cape

Black trousers and black top and dark purple over shirt


Final sketched story board

This is my final sketched story board, clicking on an image will zoom it in.

Final shot list

This is my new improved shot list

Final shooting script

This is my new improved shooting script, clicking will zoom the picture in.

Second storyboard ideas

This is a plan of my new storyboard

First shot list

This is the first shot list I have created.

First shooting script

This is the first shooting script I created

First photo storyboard

This is the first version of the photo story board